Donna Mobilia
\\ Attorney at Law
1981 State University NY at Buffalo
BS in Business Administration
1984 Graduate of University of Toledo Law School
Admitted to all Michigan Federal and State Courts
Member of Michigan State Bar; Member of New York State Bar, Family Section State Bar, Volunteer Facilitator Michigan Court of Appeals Domestic Relations Settlement Program, Commentator for ICLE, FOC Advisory Committee 2005-2006, Co- Editor GAL Handbook, Family Law Council Member, Co-Chair Domestic Violence Committee State Bar
Areas of Practice:
Circuit and District Court, Admitted to New York Bar in 1985, Admitted to Michigan Bar in 1986, Accepting Court-Appointments Since 1987, Family Law Practice Since 1987, Facilitative Mediation Training, Advanced Training, Domestic Violence Training
Debra Colletti
\\ Attorney at Law
1981 – University of Michigan
1984 Juris Doctor – University of Toledo Law School
Admitted to all Michigan Federal and State Courts
Member of Michigan State Bar, Grand Rapids Bar Association
Areas of Practice:
Concentration in Family Law matters, Guardianship; Family Law, Admitted to Michigan Bar in 1984, Accepting Court Appointments since 1986, Neglect, Abuse and Delinquency cases since 1986.